I don't know whether it meets some of the specialized security requirements for handling assignment submissions, grading, and so forth. It's not entirely clear to me that the new and improved iTunes U can become a wholesale replacement to current widely-used learning management systems like the much-reviled Blackboard. Teachers can post materials from syllabi to assignments, blog entries and updates, and everything else they need in order to communicate with students - on top of incorporating iBooks 2 and iTunes U audio/video content.
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Now, iTunes U - still free - has become something much closer to a full-fledged learning management app for iOS. It's a mic feed or camera over the shoulder in a lecture hall - which really only covers the most basic way information is conveyed in a proper classroom. Up until now, iTunes U has basically been a special education podcast section in iTunes, mostly geared towards higher ed. Reinventing the virtual classroom with iTunes U (Bring on the Lego Star Wars books! - sadly not among the new books announced.) Wilson Biodiversity Foundation, and four new illustrated reference books by DK Publishing, an imprint within Pearson's Penguin Group. But there are also a few iBooks exclusives, such as Life on Earth from the E.O. Most of these presses are also involved in other e-textbook initiatives, including Inkling, in which Pearson and McGraw-Hill are both investors. And the book (or app) is tied to that individual user's iTunes account - so the school would have to repurchase books for each new cohort of students.) Under the current program, an iTunes account is required to redeem the codes, which limits them to users 13 and over. An institution's program facilitator buys the books, usually at a discount, and distributes codes to students and teachers. A few caveats, though: Not all publishers make their books available for volume purchasing. ( Update: Keen-eyed reader Daniel Bigler alerted me to this volume purchasing section of Apple's Education site. (It looks like bulk and institutional purchases are off the table, at least for now.) Have you heard of the Big Six trade presses? In education, these are the Big Three.įor high school textbooks, these presses are committing to sell books at a remarkable $14.99 or less, which gets students access to continued updates to each digital edition. Education publishing giants Pearson, McGraw-Hill and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt are all offering books there too, in a brand-new Textbooks section of the store.
Once an authored e-textbook is in the iBookstore, it's got some tough company.