Cities skylines all dlc collection
Cities skylines all dlc collection

But it's a good DLC if you are into old style Simcity. Natural Disaster: Personal preference, no comment, as I do not have this one for I enjoy building, not destroying. Tram is also not that useful compares to other in Mass-transist. With the DLC and all the fantastic assets released or being created I just keep having that sort of Jaws moment only instead of a we are gonna need a bigger boat its we are gonna need a bigger map.

cities skylines all dlc collection

Also snow is locked on certain maps, so you may need Environment Theme Changers just to switch around between climates, and can only be active before loading a save, but not when playing. I always love seeing the various assets you create and they always make a fine addition to my collection.

#Cities skylines all dlc collection mod

Because you have no control over the weather, it may requires mod such as Ultimate Eye Candy just to toggle rain / snow. Snowfall: Maybe, it does add weather, but isnt in-depth enough, and no weather cycle. Cities: Skylines Mayor's Edition includes almost all of the current DLC expansions for the game, ensuring you're prepared for the arrival of the Airports DLC on Jan.

cities skylines all dlc collection

You may also enjoy having extra roads from Network Extension Project, Improved Public Transport, and few other build-helper mod such as Road Anarchy / Fine Road Tool. Paradox Interactives in-depth city-builder is the latest PC game to receive the Humble Bundle treatment, with a new collection that corrals the base game and over ten DLC. Mass Transist: Should have, if you are into traffic tinkering. You may not need mod to enjoy this DLC, or you can try Rush Hours mod to have more in-depth day/night cycle.

cities skylines all dlc collection

After Dark: Must have, it enables better gameplay with day / night cycle, alongs with extra buildings. My personal ranking / suggestion, bases on how much I enjoy and how many mods you need to complement the DLC to make it more useful:

Cities skylines all dlc collection